Thursday, 3 September 2015


So for my last post I want to tell you guys about the village I come from in Madeira! Canical is the last villiage on the east of Madeira. My villiage is known for the whale industry that ended in 1982. There is now a whale meusem in Canical. Every September the biggest festival in Madeira happens in Canical. It is over the period of three days. This is called the Festa de Nossa Senhora de Piadade which stands for Our Lady of Mercy. This festival includes a boat procession where people jump into the sea. 

Canical is the only place where you will find a natural sand beach in the whole of Madeira. This beach is a black sand beach.

Porto Santo

Porto Santo is a secret Island that belongs to Madeira. You can get to the little island by a two hour boat ride or 15 minutes aeroplane ride. Porto Santo is is almost stripped of vegetation. Nine kilometers along the Southern coast is a golden sand beach.

Many tourists go to Porto Santo for the tranquillity and calm people. Due to the fact that its isolated some of the good old-fashioned traditions of the first settlers could be kept there. Porto Santo has a moderate climate all year round which is definatley a plus! All the tourists that go visit Madeira cannot miss the chance to take a quick ride to such a realxing place.

Hey guys! So I haven't been blogging for almost a week now but im back! Today as you guys can see from the heading we will be talking about a place called Santana. One of the most promoted images of Madeira is the triangular typical houses that, nowadays, only exist in Santana. These houses are built of natural stone and thatched with straw. The people in Santana live main on agriculture and craftwork.

In Santana every year round about july there is a festival which people from everywhere come just to celebrate. This festival is called 24 horas de bailar which means 24 hours of dancing. They do all the triditional dances here with the triditional clothing.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Cable Cars

I'm sure we all know what cable cars are? well anyway, for those of you who dont know a cable car is a transport system, usally one travelling up and down a mountain. In portuguese it is known as the Teleferico da Madeira. The cable cars are located in the most compact are of Madeira which as you know is the capital, Funchal. The reason the cable cars are here is so that you can see as much as possible of the beautiful Madeira in just one ride. This way you can see the most exquizite things in Madeira without the cable cars even riuning the environment.

The cable car brings you up to a hill in Madeira called Monte. Monte is well known for its historical church and colourful gardens. Once you have reached the top of the mountain you can either take the cable car back down or you can down on a little taboggan ride which you can just sit back and relax.


Today I will tell you about the most famous beach in Madeira, Calheta! Did you know Calheta's sand that is presently at the beach was imported from Marroco.It doesn't only have one but two man-made beaches that face eachother.This beach is considered the most visited beach in Madeira. Not only is it a tourist attraction but many people who live there love spending quality time at such an amazing site. At this very moment there is a wipeout competition going on there which will be there for whole of summer 2015.

This village also has the largest amount of historical churches. Calheta is also known for producing the best white rum which is called Aguardente, this originates from the traditional drink called Poncha which is made out of Nectarines. 

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Jardim Botanico

The splendid botanical garden in Madeira is its greatest attraction. This garden is located in the city area of Madeira which is Funchal. On the slopes of Quinto de Bom Succeso we will find the garden which is rich in diverse sub-tropical flora. Thousands and hundreds of plants and species are found here. The garden is 35 thousand square meters. the Garden is now known as the pedagogical centre. The plants in the garden is also used not only for seeing but also for investigations.The newest plant in the garden are the orchids.

At this wonderful place you will also find a Natural History Museum which was first owned during the 1400's. This museum in a world renowned tourist attraction.

Thursday, 13 August 2015


I'm back and I am absolutely loving this! As you guys will know I am speaking about the only esquisite island out there, Madeira! I will obviously be telling you guys about Pico Ruivo as you can see by the heading.

This mysterious name which you guys have no clue about, is the highest peek in Madeira which can only be reached by foot. This peek is reached by walking Pico do Ariero. As it is the highest point there is a lot of hiking involved and get get tiring but the amazing view at the end in completely worth it! Pico Ruivo is exactly 1861 meters above the ground. This is one amazing hike that ends with an incredible view!

Do not miss out on going on this hike if you ever land up being in Madeira. Anyway time to go, until next time which i can promise will be very soon!

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Cabo Girao

Hey guys my blog is all about attractions in the beautiful island of Madeira. This is my very first blog!i just want to intoduce you guys to Madeira and the first attraction I want you guys to hear about it is Cabo Girao.

Cabo Girao is a a sea cliff located on the southern side of Madeira. It is a very popular lookout point especially after a glass floor was installed 580 meters above the ground. The view is fantastic and breathe taking